Mz Registry Backup 1.4 is a program to backup and restore your registry. This way, you can take a snapshot of a registry that is working fine, in order to be able to roll back things to normality if a disaster occurs. Mz Registry Backup allows you to perform complete or custom registry backups. The resulting files will be compressed to save disk space on your disk, taking between 5 to 15 MB for a full backup. When making full backups, the program will backup the full content of the registry. If you prefer to perform a custom registry backup, you will be able to choose which keys you want to include. The program´s interface is divided in two sections, the Backup Section (where both types of backup are done) and the Restore Section. In this last section you will be able to restore a previously saved backup. That way you will roll back the registry to the status that it had when you performed the backup file that you choose from the list of available backups that will be shown once you enter the restore section.
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